Hello !
The filter “All portfolio” doesn’t work in isotope type
1) Create a portfolio shortcode,
2) In tab Filter/sort, set filter type to “isotope”
3) In tab Data source, set categories to empty (= All categories)
4) Test the portfolio, click on a category to apply filter then click on “All portfolio” but no thumbnail appears
In HTML code, the attribute of the “All portfolio” is data-category=””. The javascript checks if the content is a star (*)
In fat-portfolio/templates/layouts/category.php, line 36
$category_all = isset($current_categories) && $current_categories != ” ? implode(‘,’, $current_categories) : ‘*’;
there is a problem because $current_categories is a empty array. $category_all is set to an empty string rather than the ‘*’ string
can it be fixed ? Thanks !