Hi There
Would greatly appreciate your help. I am having layout issues using the Metro Layout. http://www.oryxphotography.com/galleries/behind-the-scenes/ You will see each row set of images is not been placed correctly.
I have tried to disable all plugins, no issues caused there. I have also tried to look through the sites css to find any conflicting errors. No joy there.
Via Developer Tools
Expected media feature name but found ‘transform-3d’. behind-the-scenes:1:8
Expected media feature name but found ‘-o-transform-3d’. behind-the-scenes:1:23
Expected media feature name but found ‘-moz-transform-3d’. behind-the-scenes:1:41
Expected media feature name but found ‘-ms-transform-3d’. behind-the-scenes:1:61
Expected media feature name but found ‘-khtml-transform-3d’. behind-the-scenes:1:103
Expected media feature name but found ‘modernizr’. behind-the-scenes:1:125
Error in parsing value for ‘cursor’. Declaration dropped. behind-the-scenes
Error in parsing value for ‘width’. Declaration dropped. behind-the-scenes
Error in parsing value for ‘transform’. Declaration dropped. behind-the-scenes
Error in parsing value for ‘height’. Declaration dropped. behind-the-scenes
Also looking at the code of the page, due to the above. Each items positioning is not been set
<div class=”fat-portfolio-item fat-col-md-4 fat-col-sm-6 fat-col-xs-6 thumb-link-gallery animated infinited isotope-item” style=”position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;”>
You will see the top:0px; remains the same for each image. I am assuming this is the problem.
Please can you let me know how to fix this.