zlayer bug and thumbnail fix

Home Forums Plugins Forum Maika Gallery zlayer bug and thumbnail fix

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 5 years ago.

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  • #4146



    1/ I found how to set a custom thumbnail for each gallery (or sub gallery) by placing the desired image at the end of the gallery
    I am using Album preview layout

    but when i click to load the gallery it shows that last image at first. I would like the first image of the gallery to show and even better that the custom thumbnail of the gallery does not show.

    Any code to perform that please ?

    2/ what is the meaning of that option in album preview layout ?

    Show thumbnail at default in popup gallery

    It seems it s doing nothing ?

    3/ the z layer of the gallery is bad as it shows under my wp menu.
    any code to fix that please ?

    Thank you so much for helping

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