Wording and Display Issues

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #2128


    Where/how do I update the wording on the single event page?

    I want to change the following:

    Book Now -> Register Now (even better if I could change this to a button!)
    Ticket Detail -> Tickets
    Fees -> Tuition
    Hourly Schedule -> Schedule
    Share our event -> Share

    Next, I am having display issues on the single event page as follows:
    1. Even though I select to hide event time, the time is still showing.
    2. I have created and selected the location for the event, however no location is showing up on event page. (google maps key already set up)
    3. How do I hide seats? I do not have it selected in event and it is still showing.

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