WooCommerce FAT EVENT: integration failed

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Event WooCommerce FAT EVENT: integration failed

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 4 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #5303


    I am writing to you because I am trying to set up your plugin bought at the end of August on Envato but unfortunately I cannot allow the purchase of my courses with woocommerce.
    In detail, the (BOOK NOW) button does not appear in the course card and therefore the entire cart and checkout procedure is omitted.
    I have seen your documentation but unfortunately without results (link: http://document.roninwp.com/plugins/fat-event/how-to/how-to-integrated-woocommerce.html).

    Could you let me know how to solve this problem?


    N.B. The site indicated to follow privately is in demo and also the contents inside.

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