Title uppercase, category color and offset image

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Image Gallery Title uppercase, category color and offset image

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #394


    Hi Ronin,

    During the setup of the gallery I encountered some issues:
    – I have set the title on “uppercase” (settings) and at SC Gallery Generate to inherit from setting however the title of image is not shown in uppercase (shows as is) when the image is opened in light gallery. Have I missed a setting?

    – on hover the category is shown of an album (and also a magnifying glass), the text is black however I set the font text color in the setting menu to #ffffff.

    – I created a number of albums and set the padding to 5px. In the attached screenshot you can see that the “Australie” album has a offset of (I think) 5 px vertical. It is always the case not only on hover.


    Best regards,


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