Shortcodes for layout

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Lorraine 6 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #9737


    I previously had a booking form for one service – [fat_sb_booking layout=”one-services” hide_employee=”1″]

    which worked well – nice calendar displayed, etc.

    Now that I’ve added a second service (so removed the layout=”one-services” from the shortcode it gives me a drop down menu for location (not needed as only one location). Then it has a dropdown for service category (there is only one category so I’d like this auto-selected and not showing on the form), a drop down for class (service) = it then puts in todays date (and the calendar is only displayed if you click on that date, so not clear it can be changed).

    Ideally I’d just like a layout where location and service category are automatically selected and hidden, and after selecting class / service it displays the calendard like it did with the one-services layout. How can I do this?

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