Quickly Turn off Slots

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 4 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #5320


    Love your app, and I’d like to use something like this with a bunch of my clients. One small item, and one major item.
    Only a minority of my clients have more than one location, this should be toggled on and off completely. Shouldn’t display on booking screens or force site owner to select location when entering an appointment if it doesn’t make sense for them. This will stop half my customers from using this.

    Next issue, much more significant. The design assumes that all the businesses appointments will come through this website and be entered by the client. This is just silly. This will NEVER happen for any company. We need a quick and easy way for the staff to pull up their available time slots and click ON and OFF availability. Right now I’m testing this on a appointment oriented site… and when they book an appointment or call or visit they have to login to WP, and take 10 minutes entering 2-3 fake appointments to stop people from booking on those few hours. This doesn’t make any sense. They need to be able to access (outside of WordPress admin, once again you cannot ASSUME that employees are allowed to login to WordPress admin, this is just ridiculous in 99% of the companies, one or two people would have this access ONLY), and from the outside, they need to quickly be able to turn off appointment times (turning on would be good, but not 100% needed). I’m going to have one of my programmers look at this, and if I can have them do this from the outside and deal with it in a few hours, then I’ll look to using your app with more clients, otherwise I’ll just have to move them onto the Google Calendar addons, which I’d prefer not to do. Please let me know what you can provide, or suggest, or any workaround that I didn’t think of. Much appreciated!

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