Problem with the max bookings available

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #7529


    Hello, I buoght and install the plugin: it works fine exempt one big issue and some small things. The problem is that set some services, for example this “Interview preparation (Bundle di 5 lezioni da 50 minuti)”, we sell this as a bundle of 5 lessons for a given price. So I set Allow multiple booking days” and I set minimum days to 5, and maximum days to 5 so the user should book exactly 5 lesson not more not less. The minimum part works correct because it ask me to select 5 slot, but the maximum part is free, so I can book more than the 5 courses that I should book. It’s something that I set wrong in the settings? the page can be see here:

    test lezioni individuali

    If not can you help me to fix please? Another thing: as mentioned before we sell those bookings as a bundle but the customer will see the price of a single lesson, there’s a way to set a price for the “package”?
    There’s an option to disable the shipping in the cart? (We bought also the woocommerce addon) because our lessons are online so we don’t need to send ticket or coupons to the customer.
    Anyway the main thing is the max lessons that the user can buy.
    Thanks for the help,

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