problem when I change time slots to services

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Service Booking problem when I change time slots to services

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #4782


    I noticed a fairly serious and also very strange problem.
    Assuming I have reservations taken for a service at 08:00 and I change the time to 08:30, the booking system no longer works normally and behaves in two ways, the times are not available or both appear, both 08 : 00 that 08:30.

    To solve the problem I have to delete past bookings with wrong times (in this case all 8:00 am bookings) and change existing bookings.

    Since we have a lot of reservations, it becomes a problem to do this every time we need to change a timetable for a service, so I ask you if it is possible to check and understand how to solve the problem.

    Thank you so much,

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