Portfolio Lightbox

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 15 hours, 6 minutes ago.

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  • #9954


    Here is my question: I want to use a portfolio with a lightbox openening when clicking on the item. Like this one:


    When you click on the item, the item opens in the lightbox, two arrows appear, the right one leads to the next item in the gallery, and the left one leads to the previous item shown in the overview.

    Here is my question: Is it possible, when clicking on the arrows, “sub-items” are shown which are not shown in the portfolio overview? So eg. a photo-shooting, clicking on the item opens the lighbox and the arrows will show more photos of that shooting instead of showing the next or previous item in the portfolio overview.

    I hope my issue is understandable.

    Thanks in advance, greetings from Austria, Elmar

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