Portfolio 'All' category Questions

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #315


    Hi Kenus,
    Was wondering if you could help with something. I’m using the masonry grid gallery to display my filterable portfolio categories and its all working as expected.

    However, Id like to be able to arrange the images somehow in the ‘All’ category, as it just spits out the images as chunks in their respective categories – I’d like to be able to mix them up. I tried the ‘Order by’ setting and used ‘Title’, but it didn’t make a difference to the image order. But this is just a ‘next best thing’ – i’d really like to be able to order the images with the ‘All’ gallery.

    But I suspect there is no easy way of achieving the above, so the next best thing (for me) is to remove the ‘ALL’ category from the filter and instead use the ‘Weddings’ category for the initial category view.

    Is there a way to achieve either/any of the above?

    Thanks for your time.


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