Need some customization

Home Forums Plugins Forum Yacht and Boat Rental Need some customization

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  onirikalab 2 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #7727



    we need some customization to make work better the plugin:

    1: The chance to add some fields (extra, for example) within the form (and once selected they will be added to the total cost of the reservation) as additional food or services.
    2: have the booking calendar under the boat description
    3: Allow you to book the boat but put the money withdrawal on stand-by. It will be the owner of the boat who will confirm the booking from the dashboard and therefore the deposit / purchase will be debited (this is because often the weather conditions are prohibitive and if the customer pays it is necessary to issue a refund)
    4: Making the reservation unavailable for the day someone has previously paid for
    is it possible to customize the plugin?
    Do we have to pay for it?
    Thanks in advance

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