Name changed if same email address used

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Service Booking Name changed if same email address used

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 1 year, 3 months ago.

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  • #9121


    If I make a booking in name of Joe Bloggs then the booking in fat services admin shows as Joe Bloggs.

    If I then make a booking in name of someone else eg Lorraine Bloggs – and use the same email address – the booking in the admin shows as Lorraine Bloggs – BUT it also changes the previous booking for Joe Bloggs to Lorraine Bloggs!

    Woocommerce orders show the two orders named correctly. It’s only the fat booking that is changing the name on the booking for Joe Bloggs because the same email address is used. This is despite it allowing guests to book (so no customer account created).

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