initial questions

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Event initial questions

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4954


    Kenus I bought the plugin as soon as I saw ur answer.
    It is not as intuitive as I thought it would be. I kindly ask for your help

    1. I saw no difference between the paid and free plugin, so far. What exactly are they?

    2. once the person books an event, why am i supposed to confirm it manually? I mean, i want the person to be automatically authorized, once she has both options of attending it free of charge or paying. I cannot keep na eye on the confirmation to authorize them manually.

    3. I have configured emails. If i enable them to be sent after a booking, the reservation is never concluded (loading page forever). If i remove the option of sending an email confirmation, booking is completed. Then, as admin, I am not informed of a new attendee. Then a cycle of problems start.

    4. whenever I open an event, the usual template of my website is changed. This shouldnt happen! What can I do?
    See in here: The grey bar on the top shouldn’t exist ( . The main menu is changed. Kindly ask you to double check the home page of the website

    5. How can I translate to Portuguese, at least on the frontend?

    6. Why my linkedin address is not shown? (whenever click on the icon, it works.)

    7. if i enable WOO COOMERCE, coupons created on FAT EVENT are not valid. I understand i have to create coupons on WC itself. But coupons are linked to products. It is redundancy to create the events on FAT EVENT and products on WooCommerce. Anyway, on the cart page, WC sees the event, not a product. So, not possible to link to a valid coupon that will be valid for fat events only?

    8. Fat Events links payment to Stripe and PayPal. IN Brazil, my country, we are used to using PAGSEGURO. Is there any chance of including PagSeguro on FatEvent, so i dont have to use WooCommerce? Fat Event way of payment is more simple, clean, faster.

    9. is there a way to limit 1 ticket per person?

    I really believe these are obvious / basic features to be provided so, I imagine, I am not fully aware of how to make it work. Looking forward to your reply.
    Thank you!

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