I often have problems with your plugin + develop functionality

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 3 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6530


    I often have problems with your plugin,
    my client manages 10 playgrounds, of 3 different types but sometimes there are overlaps of schedules or schedules do not appear.
    we would need to understand how to best manage these reservations.
    in addition, the customer would need to make recurring bookings.
    example “every Monday from 1pm to 2pm from October to December”, without having to manually enter bookings day by day.
    are you able to develop this functionality?
    we are also willing to pay a fee for this feature, as long as it works properly.
    for more information you can write to produzione@life-solutions.it.
    I await your news.
    Thank you

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