Gallery loading problem

Home Forums Plugins Forum Maika Gallery Gallery loading problem

This topic contains 17 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #3390



    I currently have a gallery with 2 main categories.
    Each of them has a few subcategories.

    CROCHET -> squares | snowflakes | flowers | hearts | round |doilies | various
    FELT AND FABRIC -> christmas | pincushion | flowers

    When loading the first time the gallery loads all subcategories of CROCHET as well as the photos in them.
    The problem is that when I click the 2nd category FELT AND FABRIC the photos of the 3 subcategories (christmas | pincushion | flowers) which contains do not appear. I have to click one of the subcategories first and then click FELT AND FABRIC, then the content can be seen.

    Best regard

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