Few questions after a day of exploring your plug in
1) can I please confirm that it’s not possible to cancel an order after it’s approved?
2) how do you limit the number of “seats” “places” available for booking? I see there is an option to limit the seats can be booked by one customer.
3) on your Event plug in, you can do sorting with categories, organier, locaiton etc. Can this be done with Apoint too? http://preview.codecanyon.net/item/fat-event-wordpress-event-and-calendar-booking/full_screen_preview/22311915?_ga=2.161879541.879842159.1675397552-958141732.1675397552&_gac=1.192703064.1675315770.CjwKCAiAuOieBhAIEiwAgjCvcjDM4ly0LK9BGV_DfDtS4TTIjfOKRhyQtJsDzsoU1rxC41QKV81OxxoCiwYQAvD_BwE