FAT Event interfears with Amelia plugin, WC cart shows cost 0

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Event FAT Event interfears with Amelia plugin, WC cart shows cost 0


This topic contains 15 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4801


    Hello, he have our page working with Amelia booking + woocommerce. it was working great.

    now since we installed Fat Events, everytime someone wants to pay for an appointment, woocommerce shows the price as 35.000 (which is ok) quantity 1 (ok too) subtotal 0 (which is totally wrong)

    we dindt realize this until we got several appointment made, with a 0 pesos fee…!!!!!

    we need help to make these systems live and work together.


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