Error "seat_available", does not allow to be "unlimited" (empty) or "0"

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Event Error "seat_available", does not allow to be "unlimited" (empty) or "0"

This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #5022


    Error “seat_available”, does not allow to be “unlimited” (empty) or “0”

    In the description of the “Available seats” field, indicate “Transaction of this kind of tickets. Set empty or 0 to unlimited”. We leave it empty and it shows us an error “Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /homepages/44/d510795245/htdocs/backup/wp-content/plugins/fat-event/templates/single/single-event.php on line 228 ”

    It does not allow us to include the value “0”. We have always left it empty and it did not show this error, we have updated to the new version of wordpress 5.5.3, maybe this related?

    How could I fix the problem and not show this error in published events?

    Thanks for your attention

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