Double images & load more bug

Home Forums Plugins Forum Maika Gallery Double images & load more bug

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1845


    Dear support!

    I had purchase your gallery plugin.
    Now I have two bugs.

    1.) Lots of my images are doubled. I had upload 94 pics – now my gallery shows 166.
    2.) I have some tags activated. By clicking on it there are only the “Load more” button appears. As standard the gallery should show 9 picture. I set this option in the admin area. You can see this at the attachment.

    What can I do? In another thread I read about the first bug. There where some incompatibilities with another plugin. Which plugin could make such problems?

    Thank you, Klatschianer

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