Doble header and footer (elementor) on boat page

Home Forums Plugins Forum Yacht and Boat Rental Doble header and footer (elementor) on boat page

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #7511


    I just installed the plugin and added a boat.
    Only in the boat page, it doble the header and the footer, is this a bug? It´s only showing doble in boats, not in the rest of the pages. Example:
    Can you tell me please how can i fix it?

    Also, another question. Cost of the boat is with captain included, how can i add “not with captain” and a extra cost? Now it seems, i can add extra cost with captain, but i do not know where, can you tell me please?… I´m thinking maybe changing/switching translations with each other (captain and no captain) can be a solution…

    Thank you,

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