Customize plugin

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #2692


    Hi, i just purchased your plugin and looks great.
    I want to make some customization and changes

    1. Is it possible to remove the field Gender (male, female) from the registration form?

    2 Can you please let me know how the notification of registration is working? i am on a test server and i think the email notification is not working properly. i receive an email as a participant. does also the admin receives an email? also how can i confirm the registration? i have put [link_confirm] on the email body but it comes as text (i made a screenshot with the email and settings). Is there an option the registration to be confirmed automatically and the participant to receive just an email saying your registration was successful?

    3. (see 3rd screenshot) i would like to add some additional fields on point 3 and 4. First of all, I want to change the name “Organizer” to “Instructor” and the “other organizers” to “other instructors”. Also i would like to have the possibility to add a custom link under the instructor which will be linked with the biography of the instructor which will be another page in my site.

    4. (see 3rd screenshot) at point 4 i would like to add a new field which will say “HRDA Approved”. This field will be only visible if is clicked on the backend

    5. Is it possible in the step were the user registers and adds the number of participants to have flexible pricing? for example, one user 100 euro, if he choose two user the cost to be 150 euro, three users 220euro etc etc. can we also add this on the event presentation on the right area again?

    6. Also to have a field again in the right area which will be a button to download the seminar brochure

    7. And one more field which will say “Seminar Language” and i can put English, Greek, Russian, etc etc

    8. And one last think. the email that the participant gets is it possible to create a template for this?

    I can understand that these customizations will have an additional cost. So please if this is possible let me know the cost.


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