Appoint cant create new serivice, cant delete existing one.

Home Forums Plugins Forum Apoint Appoint cant create new serivice, cant delete existing one.

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 1 year, 10 months ago.

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  • #8495


    I am having a big issue with my apoint installation here. I newly bought it and after I tried some configuration, I created the first category and the first service. After this, I can’t edit it. I can’t add duration and prices to the service, I can’t create a new one. If I click the New Service button, it opens up the modal with the details of the one I created earlier (equivalent to editing it).

    It never updates the service when I change anything.
    If I try to delete the service or the category it gives an error notification “Data is invalid”. This typically makes me stuck, I can’t create anything with the plugin.
    Every other plugin on my WordPress installation works fine.

    How can I solve it?

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