"All" is not random

Home Forums Plugins Forum FAT Image Gallery "All" is not random

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kenus 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #632


    Hi there,

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this plugin – thank you!

    I just have a question – I have set my Ordering to Random in the settings, but it is not loading the images randomly – each category’s images are loading underneath each other. This is my shortcode:

    [fat_adv_gallery layout_type=”masonry” display_type=”full” overlay_style=”icon-view” popup_type=”magnificPopup” popup_transition=”lg-slide” image_size=”” data_source=”” category=”cladding-and-screens,decking,garage-doors-gates-and-furniture,lodges-and-commercial-projects” show_category=”center” category_style=”” filter_type=”isotope” animation_filter=”1″ column=”4″ item=”50″ show_pagging=”1″ padding=”col-padding-5″ bg_color=”inherit” title_style=”” order_by=”rand” order=”” ]

    Please let me know what I have done wrong?

    Thanks so much

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